The CuRe project participated in the 1st German-Greek Workshop on Knowledge and Technology Transfer, on 11-13 June 2019 at the National Centre for Scientific Research DEMOKRITOS in Athens, Greece.
The aim of the workshop was to exchange operational experiences in knowledge and technology transfer as well as to define tangible next steps among the ongoing Greek-German research and innovation projects. The workshop approach was designed and implemented by the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy – IMW and facilitated by the DLR Project Management Agency as well as its Greek counterpart, the GSRT.
In sum, the first workshop on exploration and ideation met the following objectives:
- Facilitate mutual learning and foster community building among stakeholders;
- Deepen discussions on transfer and exploitation of R&D results;
- Exchange good practices on knowledge and technology transfer;
- Identify areas with large potential or being a gap at the moment for future project steps;
- Provide and develop an individual, guiding “transfer canvas” for each of the projects;
- Decide on next steps towards the successful commercialization of R&D results within each individual project;
Draw recommendations for innovation policy in both countries addressing the demand to deepen cooperation in applied research, technology transfer and innovation.